Painters in Kibera: Ambitions, Dreams and Realities through Art

Painting and drawing are very important facets in the learning process of every kid. It reveals the childlike thoughts they acquire as young learners. It also generates an avenue for the kids to explicitly articulate their world views.

This past Sunday, the Litworld Boys LitClub had the chance to revisit these foundational elements towards the establishment of a stronger ‘literacy block’. The Boys made paintings that illustrated their ambitions, dreams and hopes. Some of the paintings also communicated their novel experiences as dwellers of the Kibera Slums and the challenges they face daily. Some indicated their obsessions, emotions and the realities that put them in touch with their surrounding. The drawings were like expressive gestures that to them drives home a permanent message for those who care to look and listen.







The occasion also served as a proper chance for some of them to sharpen their skills on their dream careers and a platform to demonstrate their talents. 'Painting washes away the soul the dirt of everyday’s life' - Pablo Picasso.

~ Jeff