The Things We Love, by the Baguio Girls LitClub

It was certainly a stress reliever for the Girls Club over at Save Our School Children Foundation, Inc. (SOSCFI) in Baguio City. The majority of the girls were already preparing for their final exams the following week, so they were thankful to have a chance to take a breather from their studies in school! After taking a brief hiatus from the Girls Club due to conflicts with their school schedules, the Girls Club took off and there was lots of catching up to do, which of course, included a lot of laughing!

For this session, we talked about Esteem, and the things that we love. Something that was interesting was that we noticed we loved many of the same things! Some of the girls wrote poems and narratives, while others drew pictures to describe the things they love.

What do the girls in the Baguio City Girls Club love? Here were some of their responses:

Singing and painting
Playing guitar and singing
Pleasing God
Technology – using the computer to write articles and stories
My family and their loving care
Bonding with friends

The Girls Club also got a chance to separate into two groups and start writing their Music Poems to share with one another and of course, with the other Girls Clubs around the globe.

After looking at the other entries on the Girls Club blog, we were all inspired to continue and see other connections that we have with other girls around the world! Until next time, Mabuhay!

*This entry was submitted by Crystal, our Girls LitClub Facilitator in Baguio, Philippines. Thank you Crystal!