Stand Up for Girls on 10.11.13


523 million girls cannot read or write. Join LitWorld's Stand Up for Girls Campaign to take urgent action. Stand up for the woman or girl who inspires you. Here's how:

1. Make a contribution in her honor. Your donation will spread LitClubs around the world, giving girls everywhere a safe space to come together to tell powerful stories. 

2. Put her story on record. Visit to honor a story.

3. Take a photo with the Stand Up for Girls sign and use it as your profile picture on social media.

4. Spread the word and enlist your friends in the Stand Up for Girls movement. Share your actions on
social media using the hashtag #standup4girls.

5. Stand up at noon on October 11. As you rise, think about the stories that could and should be told in a world that listens for the voices of girls.