A Back to School Call to Action: Let's Have Malala Day Every Day

In July 12th, our LitWorld interns had the honor of attending Malala Day at the United Nations to hear Malala Yousafzai address the world for the first time since her attack in October 2012. Pam Allyn and our wonderful intern, Sophie Mortner, have written a call to action using Malala's messages from this day to inspire us all to advocate for the human right of education every day.

"This summer, we hosted a team of interns at the LitWorld headquarters in New York City. They come from colleges and universities around the country, and they spend the summer doing grassroots education rights work on the ground while at the same time connecting with our hubs for innovation around the world.

Sophie Mortner, one of our interns, had the opportunity to attend Malala Day at the United Nations, an experience that impacted her greatly. I share her thoughts here and then five messages from us together on the power of Malala's words to inspire and motivate us all on these, the first days of back-to-school. Yet around the world, at least 61 million children are out of school, and right here in the U.S. many of our poorest children do not have equitable access to a quality education or the resources that would help them create the dreams they really want. Today, let's act on the messages Malala has sent us."

Click here to read the full piece.